Monday, March 14, 2011

Do I Smell Bacon?

So I decided that my first documented endeavor would be bacon flavored biscuits.  I used bone-shaped cookie cutters to make bones, but any shape or size would do.

Bacon Flavored Bones

1 1/4 cup flour (whole wheat is the most nutritious, but my dog is allergic to wheat, so I used regular flour)
1/4 cup milk (whatever type you'd like)
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1 large, beaten egg
2 tbsp of bacon fat
1 piece finely chopped bacon
1/4 cup water

This is definitely an easy recipe, and since I was so excited to get started on baking for the blog, I completely forgot to take pictures until the end.  I promise there will be more pictures in the future.

1. Preheat oven to 350 degress.  Lightly spray or grease a cookie sheet, and lightly flour a surface to roll the dough.

2.  Mix all the ingredients.  This dough should be pretty stiff, so if you add too much water it'll become sticky.  If that happens, just add some more flour.

3.  Roll out dough until it's about 1/4 inch thick.  Use whatever cookie cutter you'd like to make different shapes and sizes and place them on the cookie sheet.

4. Bake for 20-30 minutes depending on how soft or hard you'd like the biscuits.  Melvin prefers softer treats, so I baked them for 22 minutes.

5.  Let the biscuits cool completely before sharing them with your dog.

And here's the final product:

If I had only used the small bone cookie cutter, then this recipe would have made about 2 dozen bones.

And Melvin loved them!!

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